“H2O for Life” Summer School
Tackling water pollution in developing countries- emerging water and wastewater treatment technologies
26 March – 03 April 2023
KNUST Campus, Kumasi
Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, KNUST, in cooperation with Department of Water Technology, SRH University Heidelberg, Germany.
Background and Purpose: Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is fundamental to people’s health and quality of life, which the United Nations recognizes as a basic human right (UN Sustainable Development Goal- SGD 6). However, in most developing countries, this access is a major challenge, as uncontrolled discharge of wastewater or chemicals pollutes many water resources. The problem promises to worsen as intensive chemicals-based agricultural production and widespread illegal small-scale mining further pollute water resources, with potential negative impacts on human health and intra-societal conflicts.
Water pollution is a global problem and requires a global perspective, networking, and exchange of information to find sustainable solutions. The SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg (HSHD) has been dealing with technological solutions to water pollution for several years in its International Master’s Program (M. Eng. Water Technology). The Department of Chemical Engineering of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), is jointly organizing the “H2O for Life” summer school with HSHD to provide a platform for students and young researchers interested in water technologies to learn and share ideas about sustainable ways of dealing with water pollution in interdisciplinary and intercultural teams. Lecturers from HSHD and KNUST will share their expertise in the field of “Water Technology” with the participants through a series of presentations. The aim is to raise awareness and equip future actors in the water treatment industry to effectively tackle the growing problems of water pollution, especially in developing countries, and thus, contribute to achieving the SDG 6- clean water and sanitation for all.
The participants will be taken on a learning journey from the causes of water pollution to water quality requirements and sustainable water and wastewater treatment technologies. There will also be field excursions, group discussions, and assignments to develop and present proposals on practical solutions for local water pollution problems.
Organizing Committee:
- Dr. Augustine Ntiamoah (KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana)
- Prof. Dr. Nana Yaw Asiedu (KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana)
- Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gayh (SRH University Heidelberg, Germany)
- Dr. Kenneth Bedu-Addo (SRH University Heidelberg, Germany)
Target Group: The summer school is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students who demonstrate an interest in water science and technology. A few places can be given to young scientists and technologists working in the water industry.
Financial Details: The summer school is funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The DAAD funding will support costs related to study materials, field excursions, meals during summer school, and travel and accommodation for international lecturers. Participants will need to make arrangements for their own travel and accommodation expenses.
How to Apply? Applicants are kindly requested to fill in the application form available from here and upload the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation for joining the summer school (max. 1 page)
- Academic transcript or certificate
Participants will be selected by an interdisciplinary jury according to the quality of previous academic performance, practical experience, and personal motivation. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2023. Successful applicants will be notified by 10 March 2023. Detailed agenda for the event will be emailed to selected applicants prior to the commencement of the summer school.
Participants can register here: https://forms.gle/x7XrjMjVErgqnVAMA
All inquiries must be sent to the summer school secretariat at the following email address: